Wednesday, July 7, 2010

A Long Time

Well its been a long time since blogging anything here.

Martin and I have a very exciting trip coming up in 6 weeks time.
Yes thats right, we are off to England on a long overdue holiday...well for me that is, Martin might not agree We are travelling to England for 25 wonderful days of sunshine we hope and lots of sightseeing for me. I cant wait to get my camera out and start snapping at everything in sight. Will be really interested in the Castles, Palaces and Pubs along with all the old buildings...well everything really. I am in the midst of putting together some sort of itinery, its not as easy as one thinks but if we can get some sort of idea what we want to do there, then I say we half way there!! Our main focus is family and friends as it will be Martins Mum & Dads 50th wedding anniversary 5 days after we arrive so will be planning something very special for them. Martins friend Dez has offered his cheuffeuring services but havent got quite around to him signing on the dotted line
I will be making a special page with our holiday photos and what we did, on my webpage so it be worth checking back around the end of September to see all that.
This is the link to my webpage.
Just copy and paste the link into your main web browser then the page will come up.

Thats about all for this post. Have a nice day.
Belle xxx